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A little news on the study

I think everybody should easily see this study nonsense has never been treated seriously by anybody... I mean, look at how well they followed the agreed upon timelines... "WILL be implement by May 2015"... LOL... comments to be provided by Dec. 2017... LOL... extended to Feb. 2018... LOL... Fogetaboutit... LOL...  <img title="Laugh" alt="Laugh" src="https://www.ruralmailtalk.ruralinfo.net/wp-content/sp-resources/forum-smileys/sf-laugh.gif" />
fdu.1 et al -- "It is sad that we get a minute for Forty-three pieces of dps.."

--  This may get your dandruff up.   Came across it while searching for something else -- naturally.   Step 4 ( 107.50  - under Delivery Point Sequence inside the NRLCA web site )

--  It's from a April 23, 1994 issue of the national magazine:  On February 22, 1994, the NRLCA received official notice from the Postal Service on related Handbook and Manual changes associated with the handling of DPS mail, along with the per piece "on the street" handling rate for DPS mail.

Blah, blah, blah...The Union strongly urged the Employer to reduce their proposed rate of 32 pieces per minute street handling to a rate of 28 pieces per minute, along with other issues concerning mail count, implementation and monitoring procedures.  Upon final notice of the letter of decision, the Employer agreed to lower the per piece handling rate to 30 pieces per minute, and incorporate language to protect rural carriers.  ( wow -- the math geniuses were back at work.  add both rates and divide by 2 to get 30 PPM.  Amazing! )

During testing, it took an average of 20 minutes per day on the street to handle 631 pieces of DPS mail, which equated to 31.55 pieces per minute, actual time for handling DPS mail on the street , which is about 45% of the letter volume in DPS order.

Based on the study, the Board believed what it would be very difficult to convince an arbitrator that the rate of 30 pieces per minute was not fair, reasonable, and equitable rate for DPS mail.

--  Based upon the above, apparently the rate of 43 pieces of DPS on the street is unfair, unreasonable, and not equitable.  IHMO!

--  And apparently the national leaders forgot to mention the Step 4 to Arbitrator Clarke as Clarke increased the PPM to 43 for DPS to the street.
On the Office of Inspector General website there is a section where you can request  freedom of information on items at USPS...

So I requested the study......How about all of us doing it?

Maybe OIG would get a hint to look into this laughable (or crying) situation.