• Everyone, please help make our jobs easier and choose the correct category. Thank you

Am I on Candid Camera?

started telling my boss that after all these years they have made me a team player yea jt and without ME you can't have a team smile and turn back to case as they stand and wonder what to do
I tried to scan that qr code to see its origin, but it was crooked. Camera wouldn’t pick it up. Can anyone else scan it, ( if it’s the same looking qr ), and see where it came from. Sometimes it has a name, and usps position or email or contact attached to it haha. Omg that would be ridiculous to have that info. Just sayin haha......

Yeah! What I thought. Working on it.
Our PM works like 4 days a week. Those 4 days are like for 6-7 hours. Plus he takes an hour lunch. May not come back from lunch. Actually rarely comes back to the office from lunch. This is all while we are really short staffed. We have 17 routes, and literally have 1 clerk. Everyone quit within the last few months. He could at least work the registers. Our 1 clerk is lazier than hell, too. But they abuse the hell out of him.
Our 1 clerk and PM are the epitome of the bottom-feeding, lazy federal employee.
I thought I was reading that PM's are required to work some amount of hours per week.

A schedule like your Postmasters is more common than you know, for as much as most of them work they are never missed and are only an expense to the USPS that could be eliminated.