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How hot is your LLV?


Well-known member
We had a stand up about this carriers death the day after it happened. They got the carriers gender wrong during the stand up. But we were told how we should slow down and cool off, drink plenty of fluids when we become over heated. https://kutt.it/uR3uOqSo, I ask you. Does management care? 
I'd keep a thermometer in my LLv and record the highest temp. Itd have to be digital and mounted on the dash. After 2 weeks, give your report to the PM along with a 1767 and a phone call to OSHA if your temps exceed safe temps. When you die, your family will have better stance to sue.
Surprise! -- "Hot is your LLV?"

-- The small camping thermometer I used to put on the dash board pegged out at 120 F degrees in the summer time. So no doubt is was actually hotter than that.

-- I would plug a small fan into the cigarette lighter and clamped the fan to the ledge above the windshield. The fan just moved more hot air around, but at least I could feel the air moving unlike the LLV's fan on the left side of the cab.

-- When the VMF removed the cigarette lighter element, I just used a portable power pack to run the fan.

"Does management care?"

-- Sure, but just enough to cover their assets in case there was a heat-related incident. Then they could point to a stand-up given, posters in the office, or info passed along via the scanner.

-- Just be sure not to spend more than 10 minutes parked in the shade to deal with the heat or risk a third-degree of questioning why you were in one place for so long.

-- Should manglement complain about too many to the drinking fountain to get hydrated before heading out to the route -- just ask manglement if they would rather you be away from the case for a few minutes during the morning or have you laid up in the hospital, possibly for several days due to a heat-related incident -- or worse.
klutz et al -- "One of the OSHA fines in the past also included that management must provide water.."

-- No doubt manglement responded: "No problem - the drinking fountain is right over there!"
Have had 3 digital thermometers with suction cups in LLV for summer days. Here is what I've learned from these readings.

In the summer of high Temps most of the heat from an LLV comes through the floor and back box area. On the floor I've hit 140. In the back 127. 102 on the face of LLV AC unit. One mounted on diamond plate step up 162. When 90+ outside.
Can one say LLV"S are under insulated? What kind of heat can a rubber floor mat atop of Aluminium provide along with a lack of insulation around motor or back area? Essentially as LLV drivers we are almost sitting atop of the catalytic converter. The hottest part of the exhaust system.
Customers used to ask why I always word shorts, even in the winter. I'd tell them because it's still 90 degrees in my llv. The heater on my my old one was stuck on by mechanic. He thought I ran too many trouble tickets for BS stuff. Like brakes, ignition, bald tires( because they refuse to align the poor thing), no headlights. I finally got it fixed. I went out when it was 116 and called myself an ambulance. Made sure everyone I spoke with knew the vehicle was unsafe and the cause of my heat/carbon monoxide issues. They pulled blood at the hospital which proved it. Again, made them as it becomes a formal OSHA record if you receive any medicine or they do testing?.My anger MGMT pm at the time was beyond pissed. Asked why I never reported it. I showed the DM standing next to him my stack of 122 4565's. Guess who went off on detail for a few months?It might be time again to start a best practices log for the new  hires on ways to manage the heat and not pass out.  
Maybe a new thread - best meal you have cooked in your .easy bake oven on wheels. In my office alot of the carriers take frozen meals put on dash for an hour and it's cooked. Frightening but true.
Years ago at Ft Hood I saw tankers making sunny side up eggs on the decks of their tanks... How about a video of frying an egg on the floor of an LLV?
<blockquote data-userid="4496" data-postid="34527"><div class="wpforo-post-quote-author"><strong>Posted by: Gotrope</strong></div>Maybe a new thread - best meal you have cooked in your .easy bake oven on wheels. In my office alot of the carriers take frozen meals put on dash for an hour and it's cooked. Frightening but true.</blockquote>there is a "cook book" from a few years ago,with recipes you could cook in your car's engine.I never tried it .
I was driving a FFV for a while and the floor near the transmission tunnel would get so hot out it would boil water. Like sizzle the water off. That metal area is 6-8 inches from most of your body. The whole floor front to rear would be so hot you could not touch it even in the very very back of the vehicle.

My guess is the inside was 140-150 degrees at times maybe warmer on the hottest days when it was 117-119 out Outside felt cool compared to the inside.

LLVs are hot from the sun but they dont heat up nearly as bad as the FFVs from engine/transmission heat. Anytime the humidity is up its way worse feeling.
I took the Lazer temp and tested the floor of the llv. It was only 100 yesterday and I got readings up to 162. It's supposed to be 116 tomorrow. I'm thinking malassas cookies or neopolitan pizza. This will be my summer of quests. If life gives you an oven - bake!!
Molasses cookies sound tasty!

Seriously, my hat is off to all of you who work in LLVs. I've never seen the inside of one, and I doubt I ever will where I am. I know there are pros and cons to LLV vs POV, but I just can't imagine having to deal with some of the serious flaws of the LLV on top of what we already have to do on this job.

Stay safe out there everyone.
Today, in my llv, I cooked vegetable gyoza with ginger/soy sauce for dipping. It was pretty good. I have some seniors I deliver to and they have started to give me suggestions. So, everyday this week I stop for a couple minutes for lunch and we rate the meals. One gentleman said he made grilled cheese all the time in Korea on the ambulances. Hhmmm, I do like me some cheese!
<blockquote data-postid="34690" data-userid="4600"><div class="wpforo-post-quote-author"><strong>Posted by: Jordanj16</strong></div>Hey if any of you all would like to give me your LLV, I would gladly take it out of your hands! </blockquote>So, what is your problem?  TrollThis topic has no relation to your statement unless you are trying to disrupt.  