Surprise! -- "Hot is your LLV?"
-- The small camping thermometer I used to put on the dash board pegged out at 120 F degrees in the summer time. So no doubt is was actually hotter than that.
-- I would plug a small fan into the cigarette lighter and clamped the fan to the ledge above the windshield. The fan just moved more hot air around, but at least I could feel the air moving unlike the LLV's fan on the left side of the cab.
-- When the VMF removed the cigarette lighter element, I just used a portable power pack to run the fan.
"Does management care?"
-- Sure, but just enough to cover their assets in case there was a heat-related incident. Then they could point to a stand-up given, posters in the office, or info passed along via the scanner.
-- Just be sure not to spend more than 10 minutes parked in the shade to deal with the heat or risk a third-degree of questioning why you were in one place for so long.
-- Should manglement complain about too many to the drinking fountain to get hydrated before heading out to the route -- just ask manglement if they would rather you be away from the case for a few minutes during the morning or have you laid up in the hospital, possibly for several days due to a heat-related incident -- or worse.