Of course not. That's no different than the Sunday parcels. Also, because they are not showing up on the look ahead on a scanner that is logged on to a specific rural route , that specific route will not receive the credit. Those W-7 and X-4 static routes do not exist with respect to RRECS.DSS? AMS? But the real question is, the million dollar question of the day is.......... if parcels are scanned static and not showing in look-ahead, will the route still get credit when delivered.
Then it should be Grieved....Of course not. That's no different than the Sunday parcels. Also, because they are not showing up on the look ahead on a scanner that is logged on to a specific rural route , that specific route will not receive the credit. Those W-7 and X-4 static routes do not exist with respect to RRECS.
I'm not so sure on that one. From the Q & A ( for what that's worth ) ;Even if scanned in static you still get credit for delivering them when you do. Delivery is associated to the address, and as long as you aren’t delivering them on a Sunday/holiday, you will get the credit.
However, don’t take my word for it, have your manager look up the number of parcel deliveries that you had that day, and compare that number to your scanner number
We had vacant routes that got half of their packages static routed almost every day for months. Some of those routes actually went up in eval in the last count, not down. It might even be good to have package static routed because ARCs and package runners are going to be delivering most of those packages to the door.title basically explains it all. a majority of my packages aren’t on lookahead, they’re scanning them static to avoid failures apparently and I'm wondering if like the routes in this office are actually going to be getting credit?
I was thinking that the Sunday / Holiday code and static were one in the same.Holidays and Sundays have a different code on their overhead and ring scanners. Whatever day is a holiday we get no credit. Static doesn’t have anything to do with it. Pick a bar code after being static sorted and look up that code in the rims delivered parcels, it will be there.