NRLCA – Step 4 Grievance Filed on Overburdened Routes Not Being Adjusted in a Timely Manner

Nice. It’s about 3 years late.
When issues as important as this aren’t being handled correctly, (and this is just one of many serious issues in which the USPS is screwing carriers) it baffles me as to why the NRLCA agrees to ANYTHING at all in MOU’s ever.
They should say “no we’re not agreeing to anything until A, B, C etc are resolved.”

Add this one to the stack of other step 4 grievances which end up nowhere…
Anyone want to copy and paste it? Not a member, but would like to see what they're saying about the perpetually over burdened routes.
Anyone want to copy and paste it? Not a member, but would like to see what they're saying about the perpetually over burdened routes.
Hate to say it, but it'll never matter....theyll never do anything ACTUALLY BENEFICIAL TO US THE REAL POST OFFICE....nrlca is worthless, gutless, liars, thieves, and any other derogatory term you can think my opinion...🙄😑😐😡
Well, won't THIS particular grievance just go in line AFTER or , at least , be held in abeyance pending the outcome of the OTHER and PREVIOUS grievance citing interim adjustments that was filed awhile back ?
Don't we still have those Step 4's on the post office unable to provide information accurately for our route evaluations? Seems that's like, important, to each evaluation for each bet is those will go where the other Step 4's go...into a file, or box, to be looked at again in about six or seven years....

What a shortshow.....shatshow....chatshow....well you know...
Nice. It’s about 3 years late.
When issues as important as this aren’t being handled correctly, (and this is just one of many serious issues in which the USPS is screwing carriers) it baffles me as to why the NRLCA agrees to ANYTHING at all in MOU’s ever.
They should say “no we’re not agreeing to anything until A, B, C etc are resolved.”

Add this one to the stack of other step 4 grievances which end up nowhere…
If we go to arbitration are issues as this something that may be brought up?

No matter what we walk out of arbitration with it will be lost if we don't win the ability to protect our interests.
All -- "NRLCA – Step 4 Grievance Filed on Overburdened Routes Not Being Adjusted in a Timely Manner.

-- I guess "better late than never" applies here.

-- Anyone remember or know if the NRLCA ever filed a Step 4 for the contract's "The Employer shall make every effort to expeditiously fill leave replacement vacancies when they occur?"
Question... I have been overburdened since the second RRECS count with all my growth. I am currently about 11 hours over the 48K. We had fear that losing Amazon would drop our routes and I have not been filing to be cut because while i am overburdened I typically make my evaluation each week and don't want to lose the pay of going to smaller number. Amazon plant arriving didn't end up causing us to lose packages we have actually increased as they drop off more frequently now. They have no plans of cutting me anytime soon as we can't properly staff let alone have people to create new routes. Since my route is 11 hours over the max would I see anything from this or do I miss out since in actual time I make the 48K hours? Would our PTF be able to get anything out of this since he isn't a regular yet. He is working 12 hours a day 6 days a week just trying to cover what he can. Do we need to file a grievance to be part of this?
Since my route is 11 hours over the max would I see anything from this or do I miss out since in actual time I make the 48K hours? Would our PTF be able to get anything out of this since he isn't a regular yet.
"compensate regular rural carriers for all
standard hours greater than 57:36 at 150% of
their hourly rate"

I think since it says standard hours and nothing about actual hours, you should get paid for all the extra hours over 57:36 listed on your 4240 but I wouldn't expect or depend on it anytime soon.
how about us who are overburdened and do NOT want cut. I can't afford to take a $9000 a year pay cut to drop to a 43k
Start by budgeting more efficiently, I know it is easier said than done. You will be amazed at how much unnecessary things you buy or subscriptions you have. Base your budget off 40k route, any extra if possible goes to saving or tsp.

Don’t get me wrong I like the extra pay as a 48k+, but I value my free time far more.