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Oct 2024 Dispute Resolutions?


Well-known member
Did you submit a dispute?

Did you receive your response yet? When?

Has your new Form 50 been posted? How long after the dispute response was it posted?

Have you received your back pay yet? How long did it take?

Edited to add:
I submitted a dispute, last week I contacted my union rep (DR) regarding a different complaint. Asked if there was any movement on my dispute. He told me he believed my route was increased to a 48K (from 41K) and it was emailed to my postmaster the end of last month.

We don’t have a PM currently and our OIC was replaced with a new OIC right around Thanksgiving when it was supposedly emailed. Nobody can locate it. No new Form 50.
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Carrier in office just received a new form 50 with dispute being finalized they gained 30 minutes a week. Was just enough to put them from 46-47k.

No backpay to date for the time frame from last mms. Same dispute as last mms, took 3 pay periods from form 50 to receive any. It was not a lump sum, but a payout over time last time.

Wish you well in your dispute it is disgusting how long it takes. I won’t do a dispute being well above 48k it does not behoof me to do one.
No backpay to date for the time frame from last mms. Same dispute as last mms, took 3 pay periods from form 50 to receive any. It was not a lump sum, but a payout over time last time.
😖 want a lump sum. I’ve waited long enough for my money I shouldn’t have to wait multiple more weeks for my pay.
I want the money, don’t get me wrong, but I’m more in it to see if they’ll actually adjust a route over a coverage factor dispute.
I've learned not to even mess with disputes because they don't do crap.

I'll never forget my disputes the 1st time.

Dispute the following:

# of CBUs, collection compartments, & dismount distance (They gave me 5 dismounts for 30 ft).

Proof was photos of CBUs and collection boxes. I wrote that dismount should be closer to 100ish ft.

I won dismount distance, but they gave 374 ft. No rhyme or reason.

I won collection compartments.

I LOST # of CBU units SOMEHOW. Someone explain that to me other than that they didn't look at my stuff. Even my ADR was like so how did you win collections but lose the CBUs.

Instead I wish they would attack the BS of coverage factor. Since starting at high 93%, all I have done since that is go down majorly.

I went from 93% to 93% to 88% to 85% & if you add CBU it started at 93% went to 80% and 77%. I have lost 8% on normal boxes and 16% on my CBU, which is roughly an hour +/- a few minutes.
Finally got mine back. And….. sigh. Not the worst I suppose? Outright denying it would have driven me a bit mad. Still a bit enraging though.

When the union agreed to make me a 43k from a 45k, all of my disputes were cancelled. Think about that. No matter how many disputes I had it didn’t matter because of the new MOU. 43 k forever
When the union agreed to make me a 43k from a 45k, all of my disputes were cancelled. Think about that. No matter how many disputes I had it didn’t matter because of the new MOU. 43 k forever
I was wondering if they would cancel disputes for routes adjusted and the new MOU making us 43Ks til Oct 25.
I was wondering if they would cancel disputes for routes adjusted and the new MOU making us 43Ks til Oct 25.
I am not so so sure it will be till oct25 , 2025 . Either it will be till Oct 11 , 2025 ( which I believe is the case ) or it will be till april 11, 2026 . Did you guys receive any letter stating the dates ?
I am not so so sure it will be till oct25 , 2025 . Either it will be till Oct 11 , 2025 ( which I believe is the case ) or it will be till april 11, 2026 . Did you guys receive any letter stating the dates ?
Yes they sent us all personal letters explaining detailed information all about it. Made it all crystal clear…not!
Brots9999: What is a data collection worksheet? And did your mgnt agree with your data or just that they took your word that you tracked it?
Brots9999: What is a data collection worksheet? And did your mgnt agree with your data or just that they took your word that you tracked it?
The sheet is something the union released earlier in the year. I keep hearing that they’re doing sooooomething and they are aware there is an issue, but it’d be nice to be told….. anything. And yes, management agreed with the data. Everyone at my office has known for a while that the coverage percentage is just too low. Signed off on their end of the disputes immediately.


Yes they sent us all personal letters explaining detailed information all about it. Made it all crystal clear…not!
Two ways to look at it . 52 weeks from adjustment and then with the next mms then it will be Oct 11 2025 with the mms result of being effective. Or 52 weeks from the date of MOU being effective and mms thereafter , then it will be April 2026