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RCA earning leave on primary route

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My regular is out due to surgery til the end of the year. I was told I would start earning leave after 90 working days but I thought I read somewhere it was after 60 working days? 
jkm -- "My regular is out due to surgery til the end of the year. I was told I would start earning leave after 90 working days but I thought I read somewhere it was after 60 working days? "

-- Afraid not. It is 90-calendar days, not 60-working days. Most likely you will be working more than 60 days during that 90-calendar day period.

-- Article 7.2.D -- Rural carrier associates appointed via Form 50 to serve full time on a vacant route or in the absence of the regular carrier for more than 90 calendar days.

-- Article 10.5.A -- Substitutes and rural carrier associates shall earn leave benefits when serving a vacant route, or when serving the route during the extended absence of the regular carrier in excess of 90 days. On the 91st day, the employee shall be credited with annual leave and sick leave from the first 90 days.

-- Since Shared Services has to be notified about the change to leave-earning status, best to keep track of the days yourself and inform manglement on the 90th day so they can take appropriate action.

-- A Form 50 will be generated to reflect the change of designation to leave earning status. And another Form 50 will be generated when the regular returns and you are no longer in a leave-earning status.
Thank you for the info....quick follow up on that. On another route I was 2nd on matrix and it was a PTF route. The regular went and did 204B for a little over 6 months so I was  on her route every day expect the day the PTF was on it (well then also except the sat I was on my primary). Was management right that I was not able to earn leave on that because I was not the primary RCA? It technically was vacant until the regular returned right?
kjm -- " It technically was vacant until the regular returned right?"

-- Don't think so. If the route was part of a PTF's "string", the route was not vacant - even though the regular was off doing 204b stuff. The rural carriers have nothing in their contract indicating they have to give up their route when off on "detail" such as a 204b position.

" for a little over 6 months so I was on her route every day expect the day the PTF was on it "

-- If it was a PTF route, where was the PTF?
<p style="text-align: justify">The PTF only worked on the 1 day they were scheduled on that route. They were working on the other days on the routes they were assigned on. Above you have vacant or in absence of the regular carrier so does that matter or am I still out of luck?
What are the provisions for exactly how long, and doing what, when it comes to a regular not dong their route while on a “detail, or 204b , or some other mgt suck up assignment? The water is pretty muddy in this area.
How it works in our office for PTFs is the PTF only works on that route the day they are assigned then the RCA that is assigned 2nd on the matrix works the route the remaining days 
Shafted et al -- "What are the provisions for exactly how long, and doing what, when it comes to a regular not dong their route while on a “detail, or 204b , or some other mgt suck up assignment? The water is pretty muddy in this area."

-- Clerks: The duty assignment of a clerk detailed to a non-bargaining-unit position [ 204b ] , including nonbaragining-unit program, in excess of ninety ( 90 ) days shall be declared vacant and shall be posted for bid....

-- Mailhandlers: The duty assignment of a full-time or part-time regular mail handler detailed to an EAS position or a supervisory position, including a supervisory training program, in excess of 120 consecutive days shall be declared vacant and shall be posted for bid.....

-- City Carriers: The duty assignment of a full-time carrier detailed to a supervisory position, including a supervisory training program in excess of four months shall be declared vacant and shall be posted for bid.....

-- Rural Carriers: Muddy waters?? IMHO, it is pretty clear, when compared to other postal union contracts, that Article 25 - Higher Level Assignments - has no requirement for declaring a route vacant when a regular rural carrier is detailed to a higher level assignment.
Yupper, that’s why I asked. We have a regular in my office who is so wanting to be management that she will DO ANYTHING right now that pulls her off her route, including being relocated during the week hours away on a detail walking city routes, while our office is making carriers work their relief days appeasing them with daca 5’s even if they aren’t on the RDWL. Short of someone getting the courage to call in sick, and force mats hand to haul her back and work nothing is going to change. The situation is disgusting. No one to blame but our shitty contract agreed on by our worthless union leadership.
I am an an RCA assigned to a route and my regular is out indefinitely due to an injury. I was told by my postmaster that I can carry the route for 90 days in order to start accruing paid leave BUT my 90 days would only start after the regular has exhausted his paid leave and goes on LWOP. Does anyone have any insight on this and where I can find more written information in the contract?
I am an an RCA assigned to a route and my regular is out indefinitely due to an injury. I was told by my postmaster that I can carry the route for 90 days in order to start accruing paid leave BUT my 90 days would only start after the regular has exhausted his paid leave and goes on LWOP. Does anyone have any insight on this and where I can find more written information in the contract?
your pm is sadly mistaken.

this is from a management handbook:

this is from the contract:
Article 7.2.D
D. Rural Carrier Associates (RCAs) (DesignationCode 74)
Rural carrier associates appointed via Form 50 to serve full time on a vacant route or in the absence of the regular carrier for more than 90 calendar days.
I am an an RCA assigned to a route and my regular is out indefinitely due to an injury. I was told by my postmaster that I can carry the route for 90 days in order to start accruing paid leave BUT my 90 days would only start after the regular has exhausted his paid leave and goes on LWOP. Does anyone have any insight on this and where I can find more written information in the contract?
Oi Veh has the documentation ^^.

Notate on a Calendar the FIRST day you ran the route in the absence of your Regular. If they come back to run it, your time starts over. When you get to DAY 91 (calendar days), put in writing to mgmt that you are ”Requesting to be changed to Designation 74 in Leave Earning Status. Day 1 was ____ & Day 91 was _____.”
Have mgmt date stamp it & make a copy for yourself. If you have a Local Steward then give them a copy also. Give mgmt at least a Pay Period to get it done. If it hasn’t been done, then speak to mgmt. If they show you proof that it was done then good but if not, file a grievance.
your pm is sadly mistaken.

this is from a management handbook:

this is from the contract:
Article 7.2.D
D. Rural Carrier Associates (RCAs) (DesignationCode 74)
Rural carrier associates appointed via Form 50 to serve full time on a vacant route or in the absence of the regular carrier for more than 90 calendar days.

“Sadly mistaken”

I have to become more politically correct. Not even close to how I was going to explain his incompetence.
Rural-carrier81 -- "I am an an RCA assigned to a route and my regular is out indefinitely due to an injury. I was told by my postmaster that I can carry the route for 90 days in order to start accruing paid leave BUT my 90 days would only start after the regular has exhausted his paid leave and goes on LWOP."

-- Now that others have given you the correct information, please ask your PM to supply his/her reference material -- so you can compare notes!!

-- Might even want to contact your Assistant District Representative regarding the PM's misinformation.

-- Maybe the ADR can visit the PM and chat about things like putting out incorrect information.
It's your primary, make sure your manager doesn't try and have you run another route during the 90 days, otherwise the 90 days worked resets.
That can be fought & won in a grievance. As the assigned RCA, they have the right to it before running another route.

@Rural-carrier81 - be aware of your rights as a Pre-Des. 74. You have the right to a Relief Day as long as a Sub is available to work for you. Your mgmt can also assign a Relief Day to you BUT a sub must be available; no splitting. Mgmt has the right to send a sub to finish your route IF YOU REACH the evaluation hours worked BUT they don’t have to.
IF your Office is a part a Sunday/Amazon Delivery, Des. 74 & Pre-74 are LAST resort for working… even if you take a day off during the week. Be sure & Mark the Des. 74 box when signing the List that should be posted until 10/1/21 (Friday).
Don’t forget to keep up with the Edit Book.
Thank you for the info....quick follow up on that. On another route I was 2nd on matrix and it was a PTF route. The regular went and did 204B for a little over 6 months so I was on her route every day expect the day the PTF was on it (well then also except the sat I was on my primary). Was management right that I was not able to earn leave on that because I was not the primary RCA? It technically was vacant until the regular returned right?
Don’t get to excited about leave it is 4 hours per pay period 2 hours sick 2 hours Annual
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